Knowledge is power. Learn more about the college admissions process from insider experts — Test Prep Gurus

55% of High School Students Graduate with "A" Average

A new study shows that the share of students graduating high school with an A average has grown from 39% in 1998 to 55% in 2021.

This is shocking. How can an A represent excellence when more than half of high school students earn an “A” average?

It’s a problem for college admissions too. Now that an A average is normal, it makes it very difficult for selective colleges to differentiate between students when choosing who to admit and who to deny.

Are standardized tests perfect? Certainly, they are not. Yet despite their imperfections, they are an antidote to rampant grade inflation. Merit-based testing makes the process of competitive college admissions more fair, transparent, and accountable.

This is the reason that merit-based standardized tests remain a critical piece of the college admissions process and will do so into the future.

Start preparing for your standardized tests with a free mock exam.

The value of struggle and failure when it comes to improving students’ standardized test scores.

I’ve been thinking about lately about the value of struggle and failure when it comes to improving students’ standardized test scores.

Contrary to what many assume, oftentimes the more students struggle to master new information, the better they are able to understand and apply it later.

In a paper published in the Journal of the Learning Sciences, Manu Kapur applied the principle of productive failure to mathematical problem-solving.

With one group of students, the teacher provided strong “scaffolding” — instructional support — and feedback. With the teacher’s help, these pupils were able to find the answers to their set of problems. Meanwhile, a second group was directed to solve the same problems by collaborating with one another, absent any prompts from their instructor. These students weren’t able to complete the problems correctly. But in the course of trying to do so, they generated a lot of ideas about the nature of the problems and about what potential solutions would look like. And when the two groups were tested on what they’d learned, the second group “significantly outperformed” the first.

The apparent struggles of the floundering group have what Kapur calls a “hidden efficacy”: they lead people to understand the deep structure of problems, not simply their correct solutions. When these students encounter a new problem of the same type on a test, they’re able to transfer the knowledge they’ve gathered more effectively than those who were the passive recipients of someone else’s expertise.

Kapur argues we need to “design for productive failure” by building it into the learning process.

In the process of his work he has identified three conditions that promote a beneficial struggle:

1. Choose problems that “challenge but do not frustrate.

2. Allow students to explain and elaborate on what they’re doing.

3. Compare and contrast both good and “better” solutions to the problems.

It’s a simple but powerful idea – students need to struggle (and fail!) to learn new material. In fact, I would argue that struggling with a challenging ACT or SAT problem is learning.

This is why at Test Prep Gurus, we encourage our students to do the following:

·        Struggle with problems that don’t come easily to them.

·        Explain and elaborate on what they’re doing when they struggle.

·        Struggle with their homework problems before they bring them to us for help.

The last one is key because students must struggle with their homework problems to succeed. It’s not simply a matter of doing the assigned problems and looking up the answers. They need to identify the problems in their homework they missed (or guessed on) and retry them without a time constraint. If they still can’t answer those problems, they should look up the answer, and retry them again. Only if they still can’t answer the problems should they bring them to their instructor for help.

Remember, a struggle doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, it’s often one of the keys to making a big leap forward.

At Test Prep Gurus we teach students how to raise their ACT and SAT scores so they can reach their goals for college and beyond.

It all starts with 3 easy steps:

1) Complete free mock ACT and SAT exams.*

(Learn where your student is scoring today and whether their current scores will help or hold back their applications to their first-choice colleges.)

2) Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to review your exam results.

(ACT and SAT scores must be understood in their proper context, taking into account the specific tests, when they were taken, and how they stack up against your student’s goals for college.)

3) Create a 1-on-1 test prep plan to reach your goals for college and beyond.

(We work with students of all levels. Whether you’re shooting for a perfect score, simply want to be more comfortable with standardized exams, or anywhere in between, Test Prep Gurus is here to help you reach your goals.)

ACT and SAT scores will be more important than ever at Harvard

I hope you are enjoying the holidays! 

Have you heard the news that Harvard "dropped" the ACT and SAT?

It's not true. 

Media outlets are incentivized to get clicks, so they print misleading headlines like "Harvard drops SAT!"  Even though they know this isn't true. The first line of those articles reveals what Harvard is really doing -- they aren't changing anything. 

Here is the truth--

Harvard will remain test-optional until 2026. That means that ACT and SAT scores will very much help your application if you have them. 

Think of "test-optional" in the same way that taking AP classes or earning straight A's is optional -- they technically are not required, but they sure do help your applications! 

How do we know this? Because in 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, 72% of students admitted to Harvard submitted ACT or SAT scores. 

In short, strong ACT and SAT scores helped students to stand out from the pack.

It is the same situation at the vast majority of selective colleges. 

This is where the opportunity lies for families who understand how admissions really works in a test-optional world. 

The reason ACT and SAT scores are more helpful than ever in the test-optional climate is that many students assume that test-optional means they don't need to prep for the ACT and SAT, or even take them at all. 

I get it. We've all been through a lot the past eighteen months and the last thing most students want to do is to prep for standardized tests. 

But if you want to maximize your chances of admission to selective colleges, you should opt-in to taking the ACT and SAT to show them that you meet their academic standards. 

The situation is extra confusing in California where the UC system has said they that they will no longer consider ACT and SAT scores due to a rash of discrimination lawsuits. 

Remember that the UC system is among a small minority of colleges that have made that choice. In fact, the Cal State system recently indicated that they will consider ACT and SAT scores when students submit them beginning next Fall.*

It's a lot to keep track of! But again, think of this lack of clarity as your opportunity. 

When many students are confused about testing, the students that pursue their goals for college with intent and the best information will enjoy an advantage. 

Bottom line: Current 11th and 10th graders who want to leap out from the pack when they apply to college should prep for the ACT and SAT. 


Test Prep Gurus offers two options to help students prepare for the ACT and the SAT

Great value! 

(Virtual Classroom)

Enjoy live classes to boost your ACT and SAT scores based on our unique Test Prep Gurus curriculum.  

Maximize your scores! 

(In-Person or Virtual)

Enjoy a customized curriculum and schedule designed around your specific needs to super-charge your scores.  

Test Prep Gurus offers two options to help students prepare for the ACT and the SAT


Test Prep Gurus offers two options to help students prepare for the ACT and the SAT

Great value! 

(Virtual Classroom)

Enjoy live classes to boost your ACT and SAT scores based on our unique Test Prep Gurus curriculum.  

Maximize your scores! 

(In-Person or Virtual)

Enjoy a customized curriculum and schedule designed around your specific needs to super-charge your scores.  

Georgia’s Public Universities Will Reinstate ACT / SAT Requirement and other Developments in College Admission Testing

1) The University of Georgia Will Require ACT and SAT scores in 2022 and Beyond:

The tests were dropped during the pandemic's height, but students applying for admission for the spring of 2022 and beyond will be required to submit ACT or SAT scores. Full Article in the Chronicle of Higher Education.

2) Yale’s Data Shows Predictive Power of the ACT and SAT:

In a recent episode of the This American Life podcast, Jeremiah Quinlan, the head of Undergraduate Admissions at Yale, spoke about ACT and SAT scores at Yale:

 “It’s useful to have something that’s consistent among applicants, even when we’re aware of how limited and imperfect that metric can be, AKA the SAT or the ACT. It could be especially valuable since our internal research– we look at these things regularly– show that the tests are predictive of Yale performance above and beyond high school GPA.” 

3) Taking the ACT and SAT significantly helps a student’s chances of admission when applying to selective colleges:

Jeff Selingo, education reporter and author of Who Gets In and Why, shared some insights from his discussions with deans of admission on how test scores affect admission:

  • Colgate: 68% of admitted students submitted an ACT or SAT score.

  • Georgia Tech: 69% of admitted students submitted an ACT or SAT score.

  • Emory: 66% of admitted students submitted an ACT or SAT score.

At Test Prep Gurus we teach students how to raise their ACT and SAT scores so they can reach their goals for college and beyond.

It all starts with 3 easy steps:

1) Complete free mock ACT and SAT exams.

(Learn where your student is scoring today and whether their current scores will help or hold back their applications to their first-choice colleges.)

2) Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to review your exam results.

(ACT and SAT scores must be understood in their proper context, taking into account the specific tests, when they were taken, and how they stack up against your student’s goals for college.)

3) Create a 1-on-1 test prep plan to reach your goals for college and beyond.

(We work with students of all levels. Whether you’re shooting for a perfect score, simply want to be more comfortable with standardized exams, or anywhere in between, Test Prep Gurus is here to help you reach your goals.)

“There is nothing holding you back, but you…”

This is easily one of my all-time favorite Test Prep Gurus stories, from Alyssa at Santa Margarita High School---


At Test Prep Gurus we teach students how to raise their ACT and SAT scores so they can reach their goals for college and beyond.

It all starts with 3 steps:

1) Complete a free mock ACT or SAT exam.

(Learn where your student is scoring today and whether their current scores will help or hold back their applications to their first-choice colleges.)

2) Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to review your exam results.

(ACT and SAT scores must be understood in their proper context, taking into account the specific tests, when they were taken, and how they stack up against your student’s goals for college.)

3) Create a 1-on-1 test prep plan to reach your student’s goals for the future.

(We work with students of all levels. Whether you’re shooting for a perfect score, simply want to be more comfortable with standardized exams, or anywhere in between, Test Prep Gurus is here to help you reach your goals.)

Video: “Do SAT and ACT Exams Still Matter?”

Are you wondering whether or not your student needs to take an SAT or ACT? 

This video examines the latest trends in how colleges use the SAT and ACT when making admissions decisions. 

  • Learn whether it makes sense for your student to take an SAT or ACT

  • Build your knowledge to avoid mistakes in the college admissions process

  • Prepare yourself for the future

At Test Prep Gurus we teach students how to raise their ACT and SAT scores so they can reach their goals for college and beyond.

It all starts with 3 steps:

  1. Complete mock ACT and SAT exams.

  2. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to review your exam results.

  3. Create a 1-on-1 test prep plan to reach your goals for college and beyond.

College Board is scrapping SAT’s optional essay and subject tests

As expected, the College Board, maker of the SAT is officially dropping the optional essay-writing section of the SAT.

Original Article from Washington Post:

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At Test Prep Gurus we teach students how to raise their ACT and SAT scores so they can reach their goals for college and beyond.

It all starts with 3 steps:

  1. Complete mock ACT and SAT exams.

  2. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to review your exam results.

  3. Create a 1-on-1 test prep plan to reach your goals for college and beyond.

The Alternate Path to a National Merit Scholarship

If you are a Junior and you weren't able to take the PSAT this year due to school closures, there is still a way to qualify for a National Merit Scholarship! Not many people know about the alternate path to a National Merit Scholarship, so here is the breakdown—

If you don’t know what a National Merit Scholarship is, please watch this video to learn more about the PSAT and the associated National Merit Scholarship competition.

How the National Merit Scholarship Competition Works During a Normal Year:

Any 9th or 10th grader can take the PSAT/NMSQT, but only juniors can qualify to enter the National Merit Scholarship Competition.

Out of the roughly one-point-five-million students who take the PSAT each year, some 50,000 with the highest scores (calculated by doubling the sum of the Reading, Writing and Language, and Math Test scores) qualify for recognition in the National Merit Scholarship Program.

  • In September of 12th grade, these high scorers are notified through their schools that they have qualified as either Commended Students or Semifinalists.

  • In February, approximately 15,000 Semifinalists are notified that they have advanced to Finalist standing.

  • Beginning in March and continuing to mid-June, NMSC notifies approximately 7,600 Finalists that they have been selected to receive a Merit Scholarship award. These accolades range from cash payments to one-time designations to renewable college scholarships.

  • Special Scholarships — Every year some 1,100 National Merit Program participants, who are outstanding but not Finalists, are awarded Special Scholarships provided by corporations and business organizations. To be considered for a Special Scholarship, students must meet the sponsor's criteria and the entry requirements of the National Merit Scholarship Program. They also must submit an entry form to the sponsor organization.

The Alternate Path to a National Merit Scholarship:

2020 was clearly the strangest year in the history of competitive college admissions, and one of the many disruptions was that many students were unable to take the PSAT due to school closures.

But that doesn’t mean that they can’t win a National Merit Scholarship too!

Here is how the alternate path works—

There has long been an alternate path to National Merit Scholarships for students who miss the PSAT for sickness and emergencies (including school closures). The difference is that for the 2020-21 school year far more students than ever before qualify for the alternate path due to massive school closures across the country. On the alternate path, students can take a full-length official SAT and submit those scores in place of official PSAT scores.

The Steps—

  1. Fill out this application by April 1, 2021.

  2. Take a full SAT exam between August 2020–June 2021.

That’s it!

But please note that Alternate Entry is only for students who do not take the October 2020 PSAT or January 2021 PSAT. If you take either of those PSAT exams, then you are automatically enrolled in the competition and your PSAT score will determine if you qualify for recognition in the National Merit Scholarship Program.

How Your SAT score translates into a PSAT National Merit Scholarship Score (Selection Index Score):

For those of you who really want to get into the weeds to understand how to calculate your National Merit Scholarship score from an SAT score, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation will add the Reading, Writing, and Math scores, and multiply that number by 2. The new sum is your Selection Index Score, which is what they use to determine who qualifies for recognition in the National Merit Scholarship Program.

If you have questions about your specific situation, let us know!

At Test Prep Gurus we teach students how to raise their ACT and SAT scores so they can reach their goals for college and beyond.

It all starts with 3 steps:

  1. Complete mock ACT and SAT exams.

  2. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to review your exam results.

  3. Create a 1-on-1 test prep plan to reach your goals for college and beyond.

Will the SAT and ACT be Relevant for Current 10th and 11th Graders?

The question we keep receiving from parents and students is —

Will the SAT and ACT be relevant for current 10th and 11th Graders?

The short answer is yes.

See our analysis below…

New Trends—

In 2021, we expect to see the following trends emerge:

  • More selective colleges will be test-optional, but the SAT and ACT will still matter a great deal.

    • As we've previously expressed, the new test-optional policies at many universities will encourage more applications. Many students will apply without standardized test scores because that will be easier. However…

    • Students who submit a strong ACT or SAT score will likely see an outsized advantage when college admissions officers decide who gets in and who does not. 

    • Conclusion: Current 10th and 11th graders should prepare for the ACT and SAT as they have in years past.

  • AP Exams will take on greater importance in the admissions process at colleges that de-emphasize the ACT and SAT or stop using it.

    • This point is primarily focused on the UC System. They are leading the charge to de-emphasize, and possibly remove altogether, the use of the ACT and SAT in their admissions decisions. However…

    • GPA is not a reliable metric when it is used as the sole quantitative metric for admissions due to grade inflation. (This isn’t our opinion, it’s based on rock-solid science produced by the research committee that the UC formed to study their own admissions process.)

    • Therefore, if the UCs are test-blind in 2021 and beyond (this means that they cannot even look at SAT and ACT scores), they will use AP scores in conjunction with GPAs to bolster their quantitative metrics.

    • Conclusion: Current 10th and 11th graders should prepare for their AP exams and take them very seriously, especially if they plan to apply to UC schools.

Current 11th graders—

We get it. You’re anxious that you’re falling behind and that you’ll be in a poor position next Fall when you submit your applications to colleges. We would urge you to be patient. Your window for testing will come in the Spring and Summer as Covid-19 is brought under control. What you can do right now to assuage that anxiety is prepare for the ACT or SAT so that when your opportunity comes to test, you’ll be ready to take full advantage of it.

“…the most effective way to deal with anxiety, I’ve discovered is to make sure you’re as prepared as possible for whatever is coming your way.”
— Coach Phil Jackson, Eleven Rings

Current 10th graders—

You have plenty of time, so there is no need to rush. What you can do right now is to decide whether ACT or SAT is a better fit. Remember, no college needs both an ACT and SAT, and no college prefers one test over the other. They just want the best score you can produce on either the ACT or SAT. So it is to your advantage to pick one test and stick with it.

How do you do that?

  1. Take a Pre-ACT at your school or a full-length mock ACT with Test Prep Gurus

  2. Take a PSAT at your school or a full-length mock SAT with Test Prep Gurus

  3. Contact one of our Directors to analyze your results and determine which exam plays to your natural academic strengths.

New Test Dates:

Many high schools this Spring will take advantage of their new ability to hold an ACT or SAT exclusively for their students. In the past, every school that hosted an exam was a national testing site, open to anyone who registered for it. However, beginning this Spring, high schools will now have the option to host an exam on their campus that will be only for their students. This will allow high schools to host exams safely, without breaking their Covid-19 distance protocols.

Upcoming dates for the ACT and SAT—


February 6, 2021 (national test date, register directly with ACT)

March 2, 2021 (district testing, ask your high school if they are participating)

March 16, 2021 (district testing, ask your high school if they are participating)

March 30, 2021 (district testing, ask your high school if they are participating)

April 13 2021 (district testing, ask your high school if they are participating)

April 17, 2021 (national test date, register directly with ACT)

June 12, 2021 (national test date, register directly with ACT)

July 17th, 2021 (national test date, register directly with ACT)


March 3, 2021 (district testing, ask your high school if they are participating)

March 13, 2021 (national test date, register directly with College Board)

March 24, 2021 (district testing, ask your high school if they are participating)

April 13, 2021 (district testing, ask your high school if they are participating)

April 27, 2021 (district testing, ask your high school if they are participating)

May 8, 2021 (national test date, register directly with College Board)

June 5, 2021 (national test date, register directly with College Board)

Authority Magazine -- An Interview with Test Prep Gurus CEO, Nick Standlea

Our CEO, Nick Standlea, was recently interviewed by Authority Magazine

Nick Standlea 1.jpg

I hope this article provides insight into how many of the principles we teach at Test Prep Gurus are applicable far beyond standardized tests -- whether that means succeeding in college, launching your next creative project, or creating a business.

Interviewer: “Nick, can you tell me a story about the hard times that you faced when you first started your journey?"

Nick: “Earning a massive score improvement on the ACT or SAT is a great metaphor for starting a new business because they both require the same ingredients for success –

  • Have clear goals for success — make sure the metrics for success are within your control

  • Seek expert advice for creating a plan to reach your goals- if you think it is expensive to hire an expert, wait until you hire an amateur

  • Turn preparation into a game- if you are going to spend hours of your life working at something it might as well be fun

  • Track your results to see if your preparation is working- be scientific in pursuit of the most effective route to reach your goals

  • Focus on the process — If you dedicate yourself to developing real expertise, results will follow”

At Test Prep Gurus we teach students how to raise their ACT and SAT scores so they can reach their goals for college and beyond.

It all starts with 3 steps:

  1. Complete mock ACT and SAT exams.

  2. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to review your exam results.

  3. Create a 1-on-1 test prep plan to reach your goals for college and beyond.

Senior at Woodbridge High School, S.A., works with Test Prep Gurus and earns a perfect score on the ACT!

Senior at Woodbridge High School, S.A., works with Test Prep Gurus and earns a perfect score on the ACT

Senior at Woodbridge High School, S.A., works with Test Prep Gurus and earns a perfect score on the ACT

It’s been a trying time for Seniors throughout California when it comes to standardized testing. But one Senior at Woodbridge High School in Irvine was not going to be denied.

She worked tirelessly with our team for 12 weeks in preparation for the July ACT.

Then, just days before the big exam, her test center canceled.

Instead of getting down or giving up, she signed up for a test in September and worked even harder than before. She decided that the obstacle of the canceled test wasn’t a set back, it was an opportunity to score even higher.

Wow, did she ever.

She improved her ACT score +6 composite points (equivalent to +240 points on the SAT) and earned a perfect score!

Congratulations S.A.! It was a privilege for everyone on our team to play a roll in helping you along on your path to college. We can’t wait to see what university you choose next year and what you will accomplish after that. With your grit and determination, anything is possible!

At Test Prep Gurus we teach students how to raise their ACT and SAT scores so they can reach their goals for college and beyond.

It all starts with 3 steps:

  1. Complete mock ACT and SAT exams.

  2. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to review your exam results.

  3. Create a 1-on-1 test prep plan to reach your goals for college and beyond.

Boost Your HSPT Catholic School Entrance Exam Score!


HSPT Prep Course for prospective Catholic school students

(January 2nd & January 9th)


From the comfort of your own home, or anywhere else with an internet connection!

Free Mock HSPT Exam:

More information soon on how to take your baseline HSPT exam.

Class Dates:

     Saturday, January 2nd: 12:00pm-3:30pm (Test-taking strategies and the verbal side of the HSPT)

     Saturday, January 9th: 12:00pm-3:30pm (Test-taking strategies and the quantitative side of the HSPT)

*All times above are Pacific Standard Time

If you are interested in 1-on-1 HSPT lessons, please call us at 949-229-5359 or email us here

Please note the following:

  • students must register separately for their official HSPT exam

  • registration for our HSPT class will close on Thursday, December 27th at 3:00pm

  • once your order is received, we will ship a course book to the mailing address provided in your order form

If you would like to complete this purchase over the phone, please call us at 949.229.5359

We look forward to helping your student reach his or her potential on the HSPT exam!

Need a Private Instructor for Your Online Classes?

From calculus to physics to English and History, our team can teach it all.

If you want to help your student get ahead and or just make sure he or she doesn't fall behind, private academic instruction might be the answer.

Online classes will bring a number of challenges this Fall. Our team of instructors can offer solutions. We work with elementary through high school age students, one-on-one or in small groups. 

Is the ACT and SAT optional essay dead?

We've long known that the SAT and ACT essays were poor tools for evaluating writing skills. On this front, we have some welcome news -- the optional SAT and ACT essays are, essentially, dead. As of now”, West Point is the only school still "requiring" a standardized essay (and even that might change by the time we get to Fall admissions season).

So finally some good news! No need to register for, complete, or prep for the optional SAT and ACT essays. They are a thing of the past. 

News: June ACT will happen, but some test centers opt out

The facts:

  • The June 13th ACT is going to happen. This bodes well for future ACT and SAT exams this Summer

  • A number of test-sites opted out of administering the test, forcing a number of students to postpone their exam until a future administration

  • ACT released a new FAQ for students whose test site centers canceled 

If your June 13th test was canceled:

ACT sent an email to all students registered for the June test date informing them of their testing status and provided instructions for how to complete a free reschedule. Most examinees should be able to reschedule their registrations through their student web account. 

Test Date Change fees will be waived.

The next ACT national test date is July 18. ACT is in close contact with test centers regarding their ability to administer the test.  ACT expects many more students to test in July and is trying to add a second exam in July as well as an additional exam in August.

TPG’s take: If your June ACT exam was canceled, we understand how frustrating that must be.

ACT is trying to make their exam available to as many students as possible, but we are told that that some sites were forced to close due to various state guidelines (which differ in each state), while some other school-based sites simply opted out.

That said, ACT expects more test sites to be available for the July and September exams.

We encourage all students whose exams were canceled to register as soon as possible for the July ACT exam, and the September exam when registration becomes available.

SAT answers.jpg

Webinar: "COVID-19 and College Admissions"

Over 1,000 people tuned in to see this live on Facebook! Enjoy the recording.

Specific Questions:

1:27 What will look different in terms of how college will review college applicants than in years prior?

4:45 Will my SAT or ACT test scores still matter with so many schools going test-optional for fall 2021 applicants? If I have high scores at a test-optional college, will I be disadvantaged?

13:03 Should I take the SAT or ACT? Can I skip the SAT and ACT this year?

15:08 What can students do with this time have during the lockdown? Are there any silver linings?

21:49 How I let colleges know about the specific conditions at my high school during the shelter in place?

26:03 Will the cost of college change? Will there be more scholarships or fewer scholarships?

31:37 What test dates should a student prepare for if they want to take future SAT or ACT tests?

34:03 How to keep motivated? How can we deal with anxiety?

46:00 Can I take a free mock ACT or SAT exam?

Description of the Webinar:

College admissions experts will discuss how COVID-19 will impact Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors.

Specific issues include:

ACT and SAT testing,
Changes to the Spring semester,
AP exams,
The difference between test-optional and test-blind colleges,
Why grades matter this semester,
Changes to how colleges will review applications in the wake of COVID-19,
Extracurricular activities during shelter-in-place,
College admissions deadlines for the class of 2021,
and more...


  • Nick Standlea, President, Test Prep Gurus, Co-Chair of the OC College Fair

  • Johnathon Rastello, Dean of College Counseling, Tarbut V'Torah Day School, Co-Chair of the OC College Fair

  • Elizabeth Heim, Director of College Consulting Plus+, Assoc. Director of Counseling & College Planning, Orange Lutheran High School

#college_admissions #SAT #high_school #ACT #Covid #Seniors #Juniors #Sophomores #Standardized_Testing

At Test Prep Gurus we teach students how to raise their ACT and SAT scores so they can reach their goals for college and beyond.

It all starts with 3 steps:

  1. Complete mock ACT and SAT exams.

  2. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to review your exam results.

  3. Create a 1-on-1 test prep plan to reach your goals for college and beyond.